Wednesday, March 2, 2011

This Week...

Pudding's on the menu! (And on Harper's nose!)
My poor kids are sick! Of course, right when we go back on track. Cannon was back for one day and now they both have the croup.
I hate the croup!
The croup is the poops!
So, I'm just letting them graze on snacks all day. Whatever sounds good, goes. It's hard to get them to eat when they don't have

an appetite!

And Cannon's not so sick that he can't duck out of a photo!! That's good, I guess!

Lots of time spent in jammies, in bed reading, on the couch watching TV and movies.....
Oh please oh please let them get better quickly!
We've had our fill of hacking coughs and boogie-snots!


Angie said...

being sick is the worst! Q and I have been sick for almost a week now. I hate hearing little kids cough.

Frieda Loves Bread said...

I do hope your kiddos get better real soon!

Mama T. said...

Oh, I love those kids! Hope you all get feeling better soon:)

Erica said...

The croup IS the poop! But if recovery means pudding and lounging around in bed all day, at least there's SOME silver lining. :o) Get better soon!!

Kim said...

When did this come about?? You all seemed so fine on Sunday! What a bummer! Hope it all clears up quickly. :)

Shaney said...

I do believe it is time for summer and all this yucky weather to leave.