Wednesday, November 7, 2012


Another BUSY Halloween this year!  Cannon's school activities fell on actual Halloween day, and Harper's were the week before.  This was so good!  Harper had a normal day at preschool, which allowed me to go see Cannon in his school parade and help with his class Halloween party. 
This year he decided to be a baseball player.  Pretty slick!

Once again, the Trick-or-Treat weather was perfect!!

And there were a million neighborhood kids running the streets!  I loved it!  We met up with some friends to make the rounds.

Everyone made a haul on candy, and had a wonderful time. 

I'm also happy to say there were NO smashed pumpkins in our neighborhood, something that I hate to see happen!

Bonus, bonus, bonus.  

Happy Halloween!
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1 comment:

tren said...

Baseball uniforms are so cute! When Logan was in about 2nd and 3rd grade, he played baseball for a couple of summers, and I loved seeing him dressed in his uniform. We don't get ANY trick-or-treaters where we live! I'm glad you all had a fun time :0)