Our annual trip to the Scarecrow Festival. Apparently, an extra dose of freakies on a Saturday!! First, a back story: The Westridge Academy puts on this fest every year. I guess it's like a bad kid's ranch. WHATEVER! I guess some people no-likey, cause there was a car parked outside with a " WWJB: Who Would Jesus Beat?" Poster.
I'm soooooo over protesters! ALWAYS, a "SHAME ON So-and-so" poster wherever we go. Let us pay our 5 bucks without any guilt please....
Here's Harper having a good old time in the stroller...
And here's witchy-poo standing guard at the little kids' haunted house. REALLY busy
AND, here's my boy, in a pit of germs, loving every second of it. Next year, we're going on a week day. If it's still skanky, we're DONE!!! I can make my own damn cinnamon almonds at home!