Sunday, October 7, 2007


Now that the weather has cooled off, we are finding more activities to do inside. Luckily, Cannon likes to help with the chores. (He is a great vacuumer!)

Something that I have discovered is that he is old enough to play games! We have recently gotten Candyland, and Memory, but his favorite is this Fishing game! Remember this? I am amazed by his patience! I love how he sticks his tongue out when he's concentrating! I find myself doing this too when I see him! It's almost like if your mouth is open, then the fish will open their mouths too.......


Kim said...

I love the tongue! That is so great. I'm glad he has fun playing know he belongs in this family!

Amber Feller said...

adorable! totally something i would do while i am concentrating too!

Jenifer said...

He better be careful or he might get a fish on his tongue! It was sooo great to see you and Cannon! Love you guys!

Poppy said...

Hey there - this is an older one, so I don't know if you'll see it, but try kurplunk! Alexandre loved that game and it's something little ones can play.