Yes, my son is ALL boy. I hear from him all the time: "No more talking about love, Mom!"
And, "No more kisses!" and, recently, "have fun walking through my fart!"
He best gets to celebrate his boy-ness at my mom's house. Probably because she never says NO! I guess that's what Grandma's are for. They're always digging in the dirt or chopping something down or building forts, etc.
At the last sleep over, Cannon spotted a snake in the front lawn. YIPES!!!! But, it was only a little garden snake. BUT my mom is super paranoid, and everything creepy crawly at her house gets KILLED immediately!
So off went Wa Wa to get her shovel and chopped the poor thing in half. Then Cannon got in on the action too, because he was very excited to tell me he chopped off it's head. Gross.
Then my sister and her family came over with 50 white bass they had caught! So Cannon got to see those get gutted and
filleted. More super gross stuff that I am so so happy I wasn't there for!
Cannon hung out with Stacy while they were there and the put together a skeleton!
And THEN hung it in the playhouse to SCARE people!
I'm so glad Cannon will have these wonderful childhood memories, he sure has lots of adventures for a four-year-old!
(thanks, Stace, for snapping the pics!)