Monday, March 24, 2008

Week 12

This week I am thankful for my in laws! When you marry someone, you really do marry the whole family. I am so glad for Greg's family. His parents are the nicest, cutest, most caring people. Gary is the true all-American Dad. A dad you can have a conversation with, who knew there were such things in the world?
And don't get me started about my mother in law and her sisters!! I call them "Flora, Fauna, and Merrywhether"!!! They are like 3 cute little crafting faries! They all love me so much, and I love them... how lucky am I?
Plus, the way they all love Cannon sends me into the 4th dimention. He is so lucky!
So am I. I hope Greg knows how lucky he is to have grown up in all this fun and love~!


Jenifer said...

Great in-laws are truly priceless. I love that you fit right in! They sound wonderful!

Crazymamaof6 said...

WOW lucky! great in-laws are fab. and crafty loving ones? EVEN BETTER!

The Ballou's said...

Could you tell me what the break down of weeks is all about? I am very interested. Do you see Allen much?

::lindsay said...

That is so great you have a nice relationship with your in-laws. They must love having you as well.

I've got great in-laws too. You are right, you really do marry the whole family. I lucked out, but not sure if Jared feels the same way about my family!

Lissa said...

It certainly helps to have good in-laws! :)

The Ballou's said...

That is a really good idea. Please tell Allen hello for me. Have you been to Salon O lately? It looks so different.

Nathan W said...

I too am grateful for my inlaws... and for the fact my wife reads your blog and might see this comment :-)

But really I do!